Local SEO or Organic? – Choosing an SEO Strategy

Local SEO or Organic? – Choosing an SEO Strategy

April 17, 2019

Local SEO or Organic? – Choosing an SEO Strategy

Local SEO and Organic SEO are two strategies commonly employed to grow online audiences. When Managing your company’s online presence, it is important to explore the different strategies available to help achieve your customer reach goals. Having a basic understanding of SEO is the first step to increasing your website’s traffic and reputation. When these techniques are used correctly, they can increase your website traffic – and your business.

Local SEO vs. Organic SEO

Local SEO vs Organic SEO

The goal of Local SEO is to get your company listed at the top of the search results related to your business in your area. For example, if you own a shoe repair shop in Rocky River, Ohio and you chose to use Local SEO to promote your website, your goal would be to appear in Google’s Local Listing Pack for searches including “shoe repair” and “Rocky River”. The Google Local Listing Pack is the top 3 results that appear when you are searching for something in a location. These results are ranked according to the reputation of your business according to the search engine. Though the Local Listing Pack is unique to Google, any search engine your customers use gets to decide how relevant your website is to their search by scanning the site’s content, citations, internal links, and so on.

Organic SEO uses on and off-site optimization to get your page listed towards the top of the search engine results page or SERP. This strategy increases the search engine’s assessment of your website by meeting their requirements for a reliable website. This goal is like that of Local SEO strategies, but an Organic strategy aims to increase website traffic, not foot traffic.

Which is right for you?

Once you have grasped the differences between Local SEO and Organic SEO, it is time to decide which strategy would work best for your organization. There is no substitute for good research when it comes to website optimization, so make sure to read up on what has worked for businesses like yours. Usually, the deciding factor for choosing an SEO technique is your organization’s location. For businesses that operate mostly or solely online, a Local SEO strategy would be a poor choice and could possibly limit their audience reach by targeting the market geographically instead of by content relevancy. Organic SEO works best for online-based companies because it promotes your website based on content rather than location.  But if you have a business that requires foot traffic and loyalty from local shoppers, Local SEO is most definitely the way to go.

5 tips for using Local SEO to promote your business

Google My Business – Google allows you to maintain a profile for your business so potential customers can get a quick overview when searching. It is crucial for Local SEO that you keep the information on this platform updated. When setting up your Google My Business profile be sure to list your company’s location, hours and contact info. Here you can also post photos, coupons and events so be sure to update these frequently as this is what the customer sees before visiting your website.

Keywords – Identifying a list of keywords you can use to describe a product or service that your company provides can help improve your website traffic. Using these words in title tags, meta-descriptions, anchor text, and heading tags increases the likelihood that your website will be listed in the results for searches containing them. With Local SEO approaches it is important to include geographic terms in your keywords, like the city you operate in and any other identifiers that apply to your location, like ‘west side’, ‘downtown’ or ‘Little Korea’.

Encourage reviews – Customer reviews help increase your reputation in the eyes of Google. The more people talk about your business, the more apparent it is that it’s a popular and therefore reliable local establishment. Your Google My Business profile shows reviews and your company’s overall rating but partnering with third-party review hosts can increase the attention your website gets from Google.

Reach out to local media – This off-line approach can help your local audience reach more than you might think. Contacting local media outlets creates a promotion opportunity for both of you. If you can get coverage from a local newsgroup, they are introducing you to their readers by presenting your story. But the media organization is benefiting as well when you circulate the piece they wrote about you, which makes them more likely to include your business in their news coverage. Be sure to request that they link to your website and social media in any online material they may write.

Citations – Mentioning information about your business online might sound like common sense, but don’t pass up this seemingly simple idea. Citations in the right places can help increase your audience and website traffic. Creating a business profile on Yelp, Facebook, or Yellowpages creates a citation by listing your company’s NAP – name, address and phone number – somewhere other than your website. These are called structured citations, whereas unstructured citations come from platforms that are not used as business directories, like getting mentioned on Twitter or in an online article.


5 tips for promoting your organization with Organic SEO

KeywordsKeywords are as useful in an Organic SEO strategy as they are in a Local SEO strategy. But with Organic SEO, it is important that you not overload your website with keywords. This is known as keyword-stuffing and Google watches out for this, so it can hurt your listing. This is especially important in blog posts and other informational content. It should be your priority to provide relevant information to your customer, not to be redundant for the sake of keyword matching.

Internal links – If most of your information is on the homepage of your website, you could be missing out on an opportunity to improve your listing. Separate content sub-categories into their own individual pages and create internal links to navigate through them. By clicking these links, customers are generating more activity on your website. Google and other search engines see this activity as a sign that your website is a trusted source of relevant information, and this helps improve your listing. But don’t make your customers run through a maze of internal links to get to the desired information, make sure your site is still user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Monitor citation – Once you have your citations covered, you can begin the citations made by others. Your website is likely not the only one providing information about your business, and it is important to keep track of what people are saying about your company online and how often. Since you can’t always control these sources, you can monitor them. This is a constant maintenance task that can take up a lot of time for a small business owner. Luckily there are citation-tracking software and subscription services that can help with this.

Cornerstone content – Compiling relevant content from multiple pages of your website into somewhat of a summary can help search engines learn the important features of your business. Creating what is called cornerstone content gives users and search engine bots a piece of comprehensive reference material they can access and scan quickly. This can take the form of an infographic image or video, a blog post, or an online publication. Including links to pages of your website where more information can be found on certain topics can help increase website traffic, but cornerstone content works just as well without them.

These few tactics are just a few of many used by industry professionals, and researching these methods further is highly encouraged. For more information, visit the sources listed below and check out our article “10 Signs You Need  A New Website“!


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1 week ago

We're nearing the end of the month and I'm looking for two new social media customers who want consistent posts to start to go out on August 1st!

We take care of everything:
✍️ writing
🎨 graphics
🎥 video editing
📅 scheduling

Our most popular packages are:
- $700/month for three posts per week or
- $1,000/month for five posts per week

Let's talk! Send me a message or email me at erica@pixelpowercle.com.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #EngagementIssues #ContentStrategy
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Were nearing the end of the month and Im looking for two new social media customers who want consistent posts to start to go out on August 1st!

We take care of everything:
✍️ writing
🎨 graphics
🎥 video editing
📅 scheduling

Our most popular packages are:
- $700/month for three posts per week or
- $1,000/month for five posts per week

Lets talk! Send me a message or email me at erica@pixelpowercle.com.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #EngagementIssues #ContentStrategy
1 week ago

I recently got a call from a marketing manager going on maternity leave. She needed us to take over web content writing and social media posting for three months. This way, she could ensure the work gets done without burdening her coworkers, who might not have the time or skills to complete it to her standards.

I understand this might be a temporary arrangement to ease her mind while she's away, ensuring the company has competent people handling the work and respecting the other staff members' existing responsibilities.

By bringing us on, she can relax, knowing that we excel in writing, managing their WordPress website, and creating engaging social media content with the skill and professionalism required to support her company during her absence.

And hopefully, when she returns, she can turn to us again whenever she needs extra hands that care about doing the job as well as she does.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #ContentStrategy #TimeManagement #OutOfOffice #MaternityLeave #PrepareTheOthers #PTO
... See MoreSee Less

I recently got a call from a marketing manager going on maternity leave. She needed us to take over web content writing and social media posting for three months. This way, she could ensure the work gets done without burdening her coworkers, who might not have the time or skills to complete it to her standards.

I understand this might be a temporary arrangement to ease her mind while shes away, ensuring the company has competent people handling the work and respecting the other staff members existing responsibilities.

By bringing us on, she can relax, knowing that we excel in writing, managing their WordPress website, and creating engaging social media content with the skill and professionalism required to support her company during her absence.

And hopefully, when she returns, she can turn to us again whenever she needs extra hands that care about doing the job as well as she does.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #ContentStrategy #TimeManagement #OutOfOffice #MaternityLeave #PrepareTheOthers #PTO
2 weeks ago

⭐ I'm looking for two new social media customers who want consistent posts to start to go out on August 1st!

We take care of everything:
✍️ writing
🎨 graphics
🎥 video editing
📅 scheduling

Our most popular packages are:
- $700/month for three posts per week or
- $1,000/month for five posts per week

Just share your company's amazing projects and people with us, and we'll transform your social media into a powerful tool that showcases your brand and drives engagement.

Let's talk! Send me a message or email me at erica@pixelpowercle.com.

#AECIndustry #WomenInConstruction #SocialMediaManagement #ContentScheduling #ContentConsistency #TimeEfficiency #OnlineReputation
... See MoreSee Less

⭐ Im looking for two new social media customers who want consistent posts to start to go out on August 1st!

We take care of everything:
✍️ writing
🎨 graphics
🎥 video editing
📅 scheduling

Our most popular packages are:
- $700/month for three posts per week or
- $1,000/month for five posts per week

Just share your companys amazing projects and people with us, and well transform your social media into a powerful tool that showcases your brand and drives engagement.

Lets talk! Send me a message or email me at erica@pixelpowercle.com.

#AECIndustry #WomenInConstruction #SocialMediaManagement #ContentScheduling #ContentConsistency #TimeEfficiency #OnlineReputation
2 weeks ago

I wanted to share some key insights from our decades of experience in web development. If you're planning a new website build, here are some important considerations to ensure a smooth process and a successful launch:

▪️ Ad Landing Pages: If you're running ads, plan for specific landing pages. Launching a site without them can cause issues with your ad campaigns.
▪️ Technology Integrations: Ensure your website is compatible with your existing technology. Changing third-party software mid-build can require additional coding and time. Always consult your web developer before making such changes.
▪️ Stakeholder Sign-Off: Keep all decision-makers in the loop throughout the project. We've seen projects stall because a key person wasn't involved until the end.
▪️ Keyword Strategy: Use the right keywords in your content for SEO. Proper keyword planning and execution are essential for search engine visibility.
▪️ Website Purpose: Clearly define the main purpose of your website and communicate it to your web developer. Changing the structure mid-project can be challenging and time-consuming.

At Pixel Power, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Our goal is to execute the best website possible by planning for all occurrences. Let's make your next web project a success!

Send a message or reach out to me at erica@pixelpowercle.com to get started!
... See MoreSee Less

I wanted to share some key insights from our decades of experience in web development. If youre planning a new website build, here are some important considerations to ensure a smooth process and a successful launch:

 ▪️ Ad Landing Pages: If youre running ads, plan for specific landing pages. Launching a site without them can cause issues with your ad campaigns.
 ▪️ Technology Integrations: Ensure your website is compatible with your existing technology. Changing third-party software mid-build can require additional coding and time. Always consult your web developer before making such changes.
 ▪️ Stakeholder Sign-Off: Keep all decision-makers in the loop throughout the project. Weve seen projects stall because a key person wasnt involved until the end.
 ▪️ Keyword Strategy: Use the right keywords in your content for SEO. Proper keyword planning and execution are essential for search engine visibility.
 ▪️ Website Purpose: Clearly define the main purpose of your website and communicate it to your web developer. Changing the structure mid-project can be challenging and time-consuming.

At Pixel Power, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Our goal is to execute the best website possible by planning for all occurrences. Lets make your next web project a success!

Send a message or reach out to me at erica@pixelpowercle.com to get started!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment
2 weeks ago

I remember a marketing person years ago who would come to my office, call me incessantly, emailed constantly, and had such a full of herself over-the-top demeanor that there was just no way I’d consider hiring her.

She was like a shark coming after me.

I don’t know who that “I’ll chase you ‘till I get you” strategy works on but I’m not that type.

Sure, she made a lot of noise. I noticed her alright. Just not in a good way.

I tell you this because my story is over ten years old and I still remember her and how off putting she was.

Now that I’ve been running Pixel Power for almost a decade since, I can confidently say that I’ve never come at anyone like that.

I won’t be in your DMs if we’ve never spoken before and I’m certainly not showing up to your office!

If you’ve been thinking about working with me, send me a message.

We’d get started with a conversation. But only one you’re looking to have.

- Erica, Principal at Pixel Power

#AECMarketing #CSR #WomenInConstruction #WebDevelopment #MarketingStrategy #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #ExternalTeam #ESG
... See MoreSee Less

I remember a marketing person years ago who would come to my office, call me incessantly, emailed constantly, and had such a full of herself over-the-top demeanor that there was just no way I’d consider hiring her.

She was like a shark coming after me.

I don’t know who that “I’ll chase you ‘till I get you” strategy works on but I’m not that type. 

Sure, she made a lot of noise. I noticed her alright. Just not in a good way. 

I tell you this because my story is over ten years old and I still remember her and how off putting she was. 

Now that I’ve been running Pixel Power for almost a decade since, I can confidently say that I’ve never come at anyone like that. 

I won’t be in your DMs if we’ve never spoken before and I’m certainly not showing up to your office! 

If you’ve been thinking about working with me, send me a message. 

We’d get started with a conversation. But only one you’re looking to have. 

- Erica, Principal at Pixel Power

#AECMarketing #CSR #WomenInConstruction #WebDevelopment #MarketingStrategy #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #ExternalTeam #ESG
2 weeks ago

Is your website still showcasing the same old content? Noticed that many faces in your team photo aren't around anymore?

Remember, a website isn't just a one-time project; it needs regular updates! Fresh content, new images, and engaging videos are key to keeping it vibrant and relevant. If your site still echoes the same text from its earlier iterations, it's time for a refresh.

Marketing trends have evolved significantly. If your content hasn't changed in several years, it's definitely outdated.

Our process begins with a thorough content evaluation. We assess your current website, provide expert recommendations, craft engaging new content, source updated images, and implement all necessary changes to rejuvenate your online presence.

Ready for a website makeover? Reach out to us, or directly email at erica@pixelpowercle.com

#PixelpowerCLE #websiterefresh #webdesign #uxui #graphicdesign
... See MoreSee Less

Is your website still showcasing the same old content? Noticed that many faces in your team photo arent around anymore?

Remember, a website isnt just a one-time project; it needs regular updates! Fresh content, new images, and engaging videos are key to keeping it vibrant and relevant. If your site still echoes the same text from its earlier iterations, its time for a refresh.

Marketing trends have evolved significantly. If your content hasnt changed in several years, its definitely outdated.

Our process begins with a thorough content evaluation. We assess your current website, provide expert recommendations, craft engaging new content, source updated images, and implement all necessary changes to rejuvenate your online presence.

Ready for a website makeover? Reach out to us, or directly email at erica@pixelpowercle.com 

#PixelpowerCLE #websiterefresh #webdesign #uxui #graphicdesign
2 weeks ago

Are you the owner of a website that's been abandoned, broken, outdated, or silent?

It's very common for me to get emails like:
➡️ "Our website person quit and I can't figure out WordPress"
➡️ "We hired a web person years ago but no one's maintained the site and now its broken"
➡️ "We want to blog but our last post was in 2019"

We not only build websites but maintain them, keep them up to date, and troubleshoot any problems that occur. Need content? We do that too - writing, photography, video, and even custom programming... we do it all.

Send me a message or reach out at erica@pixelpowercle.com

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WebDesign #DigitalMarketing #WordPressDeveloper #TechChallenges #ContentStrategy #TimeManagement
... See MoreSee Less

Are you the owner of a website thats been abandoned, broken, outdated, or silent?

Its very common for me to get emails like:
➡️ Our website person quit and I cant figure out WordPress
➡️ We hired a web person years ago but no ones maintained the site and now its broken
➡️ We want to blog but our last post was in 2019

We not only build websites but maintain them, keep them up to date, and troubleshoot any problems that occur. Need content? We do that too - writing, photography, video, and even custom programming... we do it all.

Send me a message or reach out at erica@pixelpowercle.com

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WebDesign #DigitalMarketing #WordPressDeveloper #TechChallenges #ContentStrategy #TimeManagement
2 weeks ago

❤️ Feedback like this!

#aecindustry #sustainablebusiness #nonprofitorganization #WebDesign #DigitalMarketing #wordpressdeveloper #TechChallenges #contentstrategy #timemanagement
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❤️ Feedback like this!

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #NonProfitOrganization #WebDesign #DigitalMarketing #WordPressDeveloper #TechChallenges #ContentStrategy #TimeManagement
2 weeks ago

One of the things I often remind myself of after doing this work for so many years is that just because someone uses a term doesn't mean they know what it means. SEO, for example. Search Engine Optimization. It comes up all the time. People schedule meetings with me to talk about SEO specifically. They've heard they need it. They know they need it for their website to come up in search engine results. But, when we talk, they have absolutely zero idea what efforts would need to take place in order to gain traction with it. And they often think it's an on/off switch of some kind. A simple and fast, inexpensive effort that can be done in an afternoon and have results immediately. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that is possible. It is not.

SEO is a long game. A marketing strategy that first involves technical items on your website and then a long and strategic effort in content development and marketing. Writing text is absolutely necessary for SEO. I had someone yesterday tell me that they wanted SEO but they didn't want to create any content. They asked me how they could do it without having any content creation going on, no changes on their website, no social media, and you know what? Then they are not in the SEO game. They didn't know! So, I discussed running ads instead. It's a much easier, although pricey, way to come up in search engine results. Nope, they weren't going to do that either.

Now, that's just one guy. Lots of people who contact me are a little more familiar with the involved process of keyword research, content development, and creating methods for traffic to arrive at your website and in turn start to become something the almighty Google cares about enough to serve up to new searches. Usually, their problem is time. They get the gist and could maybe implement if they weren't so bogged down by other assignments and responsibilities.

That's where we come in. At Pixel Power, we specialize in taking the burden off your shoulders. Our team handles the intricacies of SEO, from keyword research and content creation to technical optimization and strategic marketing. We understand that SEO is not an overnight fix but a sustained effort that pays off in the long run.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #EngagementIssues #ContentStrategy
... See MoreSee Less

One of the things I often remind myself of after doing this work for so many years is that just because someone uses a term doesnt mean they know what it means. SEO, for example. Search Engine Optimization. It comes up all the time. People schedule meetings with me to talk about SEO specifically. Theyve heard they need it. They know they need it for their website to come up in search engine results. But, when we talk, they have absolutely zero idea what efforts would need to take place in order to gain traction with it. And they often think its an on/off switch of some kind. A simple and fast, inexpensive effort that can be done in an afternoon and have results immediately. Dont let anyone fool you into thinking that is possible. It is not.

SEO is a long game. A marketing strategy that first involves technical items on your website and then a long and strategic effort in content development and marketing. Writing text is absolutely necessary for SEO. I had someone yesterday tell me that they wanted SEO but they didnt want to create any content. They asked me how they could do it without having any content creation going on, no changes on their website, no social media, and you know what? Then they are not in the SEO game. They didnt know! So, I discussed running ads instead. Its a much easier, although pricey, way to come up in search engine results. Nope, they werent going to do that either.

Now, thats just one guy. Lots of people who contact me are a little more familiar with the involved process of keyword research, content development, and creating methods for traffic to arrive at your website and in turn start to become something the almighty Google cares about enough to serve up to new searches. Usually, their problem is time. They get the gist and could maybe implement if they werent so bogged down by other assignments and responsibilities.

Thats where we come in. At Pixel Power, we specialize in taking the burden off your shoulders. Our team handles the intricacies of SEO, from keyword research and content creation to technical optimization and strategic marketing. We understand that SEO is not an overnight fix but a sustained effort that pays off in the long run.

#AECIndustry #SustainableBusiness #WomenInConstruction #MarketingCommunications #SocialMediaMarketing #TimeManagement #EngagementIssues #ContentStrategy
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