Signs your website needs a redesign: A business owners guide

Signs your website needs a redesign: A business owners guide

December 9, 2023

As business owners we find ourselves in a rapidly evolving digital landscape where a website is not just mere online presence; it’s a dynamic representation of your brand’s identity and ethos. How do you know when this critical asset needs a refresh or a complete overhaul? The need for a website redesign isn’t always as obvious as one might think. Often it’s a gradual realization that your website no longer aligns with your brand’s vision, user expectations, or technological advancements.

National Association of Women in Construction website displayed on multiple screens

In this comprehensive guide we delve into the telltale indicators that signal it’s time to revamp this critical digital asset. From outdated aesthetics to poor performance metrics, we will explore the key signs that your website is due for a redesign ensuring it continues to effectively engage your audience, embody your brand, and drive your business forward in this digital age.

Successful business owners understand that performance metrics represent the heartbeat of the business and the same applies to websites. These metrics are akin to a digital health check-up, providing vital insights into how your website is performing, where it excels, and where it needs improvement. The key performance indicator we want to discuss in this guide is bounce rate and why it’s the heartbeat of your website’s digital health.

NEF - National Association of Women in Construction Education Foundation website and brand board being viewed on a computer and tablet.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of website visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page represent a website’s bounce rate. The average bounce rate for all websites is 55%.  A high bounce rate is a critical obstacle in converting visitors into meaningful engagement or sales. A high bounce rate is a strong indicator that your website needs a redesign.

Slow Loading Speed

One of the primary culprits of a high bounce rate is slow loading speed. In an age where speed is synonymous with efficiency, a website that takes too long to load tests the patience of your visitors, prompting them to leave.

Poor Navigation & User Experience

If visitors find your site confusing or hard to navigate, they’re likely to exit quickly. A well-structured website with a clear menu, accessible information, and intuitive design keeps users engaged and encourages them to explore more pages.

Not Optimized for Mobile Devices (Non-Responsive Design)

With an increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, a non-responsive design can significantly increase bounce rates. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, with content and images that adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes.

Lack of Quality or Relevant Content

Content is king in the digital world. If your website doesn’t offer valuable, relevant, and engaging content, visitors have little reason to stay. Invest in a visually appealing design that reflects your brand identity and content that is informative, interesting, and resonates with your target audience.

Unclear Call-to-Action

If visitors are unsure what to do next on your website, they’re likely to leave. Clear, compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) guide users through your site, encouraging them to engage with your content, services, or products.

Outdated Design

Outdated website design not only negatively affects user perception and brand image it also impacts user engagement and business competitiveness. Modern design, responsive to current trends and user expectations, is essential for maintaining a strong online presence. Let’s talk about how the specifics of how the design of your website impacts user perception and your brand image:

  1. First Impressions Matter: The design of your website often forms the first impression of your brand. An outdated design can convey a message of neglect or lack of relevance, negatively impacting how users perceive your business.
  2. Reflecting Brand Values: Modern consumers expect contemporary and sleek designs that reflect a brand’s awareness of current trends. An outdated website can send a message that your brand is out of touch, undermining your market positioning.
  3. User Trust and Credibility: Websites that look old or poorly maintained can raise doubts about the credibility and trustworthiness of a business. In contrast, a modern design fosters confidence in your brand’s professionalism and reliability.
  4. Competitive Disadvantage: In a competitive market, an outdated website can put your business at a disadvantage. It may suggest that your competitors are more in tune with modern customer needs and expectations.

What Does An Outdated Website Look Like?

Cluttered layouts with overwhelming amounts of text and images, lack of white space, and confusing navigation.

Yale School Of Art Homepage

Overuse of bright, clashing colors

Non-responsive design that doesn’t adapt to different screen sizes


Low Quality and Low resolution images

Hidden or unclear CTAs that fail to guide the user.


We hope that this guide has been helpful to business owners in understanding the signs of an aging website. The explanation of important metrics and the examples of “bad” websites can help business owners identify and avoid these mistakes when starting a website build or relaunch project.

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