Branding and Design Work for SBDC at Lorain County Community College

Branding and Design Work for SBDC at Lorain County Community College

SBDC Marketing Guidebook made according to SBDC at Lorain County Community College brand guidelines.

The diverse range of projects undertaken with the SBDC at Lorain County Community College reflects our versatile approach to branding and design. Each project contributed to a cohesive brand narrative, reinforcing the SBDC’s position as a resourceful and professional institution dedicated to empowering small businesses. Our ongoing partnership is a testament to our ability to evolve with our clients, providing timely and impactful design solutions that resonate with their audiences and business goals.

Project Tasks
  • Annual Report Design

    We designed a comprehensive annual report for the SBDC, ensuring adherence to their established brand guidelines. This report effectively showcased the center's yearly progress and achievements in a professionally styled and easy-to-digest format.

  • Digital Marketing Manual Development

    Recognizing the need for accessible marketing education among small business owners, we created an introductory digital marketing manual. This manual combined informative content with an engaging design, tailored to equip SBDC clients with essential marketing insights.

  • Workshop Materials Production

    For various SBDC workshops, we developed a range of educational materials. These resources were designed not just for their informational value but also to visually engage participants, maintaining brand consistency throughout.

  • Social Media Graphics Creation

    As the SBDC's digital presence evolved, we provided them with custom-designed graphics for their social media posts. These visuals were crafted to enhance online engagement and effectively convey the SBDC's key messages, ensuring a cohesive and attractive digital brand image.

Project Details

Over several years, our relationship with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Lorain County Community College has encompassed a series of distinct projects, each aimed at enhancing different facets of their branding and educational outreach. Our collaborative efforts have ranged from designing an annual report to creating a digital marketing manual, developing workshop materials, and crafting social media post graphics. This ongoing partnership highlights our adaptability and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the SBDC, ensuring brand consistency and effective communication across various platforms.

  • “Erica has been a valuable resource to the SBDC and our small business clients. Erica is very knowledgeable about marketing and digital marketing and goes above and beyond to help our center and our clients understand an ever-changing space. The SBDC is fortunate to have the assistance of such a client-focused educator to coach small businesses in our community.”

    Beth Gantz, Director of the Small Business Development Center at Lorain County Community College

    Beth Gantz

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